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Weathering the Storm: Tornado Safety Tips

We know that tornadoes can be scary, but with some preparation you can have peace of mind when they arrive. Our team at Lindsay Sharma Property Buyers is here to provide plenty of tips and tricks so that your family and property are safe during a storm.

First and foremost, find the best shelter locations in your area. Most local emergency management websites have listings of tornado shelters or basements nearby. If you don’t have access to a basement or shelter, look for a room on the lowest floor in a sturdy building. Make sure to stay away from windows, doors and outside walls as much as possible - this will get you the greatest safety from flying debris.

After finding safe places to take cover, start preparing your property for a tornado. Secure any lightweight objects like yard chairs or bicycles around your home to make sure they won’t fly away during high winds. Unplug any electronics days before the tornado hits just in case there is power loss during the storm. Collect important documents like insurance policies together in one place so that you can grab them quickly if necessary - but ensure it's somewhere secure!

It’s also important to remember that tornadoes could occur anywhere at any time - so it’s good practice to keep an emergency kit stocked and ready to go. Some basic items include flashlights, extra batteries, canned food, first-aid supplies, blankets, pet food and water bottles!

Finally, don’t forget about your community - band together with neighbors to help each other out during relief efforts following a tornado; this includes keeping an eye out for downed trees or power lines and reporting them ASAP! While these disasters can be hard to face alone, remembering that we are all in this together makes it easier!

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