Free Live Masterclass
How to get started with real estate investing today
by taking 2 simple steps
If you don't know how to get started with real estate investing, this webinar will walk you through your first 2 steps to start your path to financial freedom. (Busy women with full time jobs and family -- we're lookin' at you!
During this Masterclass you will learn:​
1. Fix and flip, rentals, wholesaling, WTF? Get OFF of indecision island and get started today with wholesaling. Why wholesaling? Because it requires little to no money, and will teach you foundational lessons you can carry into other investing strategies. In other words, you need to put the training wheels on first, sister! After participating in this masterclass, you will understand what the process looks like from start to finish, plus you’ll know what action steps to take to get started. By taking these first essential steps, you will gain momentum and develop a plan for getting your first deal.
2. How to decide on a market for your first deal. No matter where you live, you can invest in any market virtually. However, not all markets are great for wholesaling real estate. Learn what kind of criteria to evaluate to avoid investing in an area that won't be good for wholesaling, including legality, population size, housing costs, and rental rates.
3. Once you decide on your market, next you need to build your buyers list. This masterclass will school you on how to find and talk to buyers and start building relationships. I'll show you where to find buyers and how to create a database. We do this before looking for properties so that we can target our lists to areas that are hot with cash buyers. Cuz if you aint got buyers, then you aint got a deal!
At the end of this masterclass you will no longer be in the dark, you'll know exactly what to do to get started investing in real estate. STEP INTO THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM LIGHT, MY FRIENDS.
WARNING: Space is limited and these masterclasses always fill up because they are significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for… even though they are free. (Yes, it’s almost too good to be true. Almost.)